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Key Features

  • 1 hour, 36 minutes long
  • Released 2002
  • Instructor: Ed Frawley

Product Description

This tracking dog DVD was filmed over a 3 year period in Germany & America. It is one of the most comprehensive studies ever done on sport tracking (foot step tracking).

The tracking video has had rave reviews from a number of different dog training magazines, including Front & Finish. The AKC even requested a copy for their Judge’s library.

This video uses all motivational methods to teach a dog to track. While we discuss the difference between motivational tracking and forced tracking, we do not teach any force in this video.

The video begins with the theory of track scent. There is a section on how to select tracking fields for training dogs of different skill levels. We show good and bad tracking fields for beginner dogs and the more advanced dogs and explain why it is so important to select the correct training field to teach your dog to track.

There is an excellent section on how to lay a training track for your dog. In the beginning of foot step tracking the handler lays his own tracks. We show the best ways to remember where you laid your track, this is often not as easy as it would seem.

You will learn how to use food in the beginning of training a foot step tracking dog. This is broken down into a step by step program that anyone can follow. We also explain how to wean the tracking dog off of training tracks with food.

To be competitive in tracking, you need to know when the dog is ready for cross winds, tail winds, and cover changes. Understanding wind currents is a must if you are going to develop a nose to the ground step by step tracking dog. We show you how to make wind currents work for you in developing a sound training program.

Handling a tracking dog is an art form. We cover some of the most important points on line handling and voice control. This one section is going to add handler points to your scores in a trail.

If you compete in one of the dog sports (i.e. Schutzhund or AKC tracking) this is the DVD you need to train your dog.

If you own a puppy and want to train it to become a Search and Rescue dog this is the tracking dvd to start with. Your training can begin at 8 weeks of age and never has to quit. I always recommend foot step tracking for the for the first 10 to 12 months before it's switched to tracking through drive.

I have done three training DVDs with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).

4 stars
Based on 7 reviews

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4 stars
January 27, 2020
I recently purchased competition tracking DVD 0003020 and it was old fashioned and of terrible quality, to the extent that I could hardly watch it, it is obviously a very old film, probably filmed in the 80's looking at the clothes they are wearing. The cover is diffreent to the one shown on the website as well. Very disappointing.
4 stars
August 27, 2014
Excellent video on getting started in tracking. The style is clear and throughout the video key training factors are stressed and repeated. I like the examples. I highly recommend this video if you are wanting to compete in tracking with your dog!
4 stars
May 01, 2014
All of Leerburg training material is GREAT!! The only thing I wish this particular DVD had was segments. Instead of having to watch it straight through. Other than that I highly recommend their training material as well as their equipment !! Excellent!!!
4 stars
January 13, 2012
I recently ordered and received most of your DVDs on tracking. I was amazed at the wealth of knowledge presented. It was extraordinary to see some of the best dog trainers in the world, handlers and dogs working for perfection. Ed's narration was extremely helpful. The cues on subtle dog movements and head turning nose to the ground indications to find the lost tracks were very informative. Getting the high drive and maintaining it with positive reinforcements makes a huge difference with the dogs. I spent days at seminars with top guys and never received any teaching with this level of expertise. Thank you so much! I honestly feel like I was handed a gift. The wealth of true knowledge, freeing the dog up to think on his own paws and work it out! These methods really get the job done effectively!

I have attended classes, seminars, purchased training books to the tune of $10,000 and to think of all the frustration for my canines, they have to think people are nuts. I acquired more at hand training skills watching your DVDs than any class or training I have taken. In fact, I wish I would have seen this information first in training my dogs. The progression process and training methods are tremendous for picking, making and sustaining a rock solid high drive dog for finding anyone.
4 stars
June 30, 1999
Just a quick note to let you know your tape #203 on tracking training is outstanding! Even a novice like myself can clearly understand your methods. I especially appreciate the demonstrations of mistakes that handlers make. I've ordered a number of tapes and products from you and can only express my appreciation.
4 stars
February 18, 1999
I have had your training a competition tracking dog for a few months now, and I viewed it numerous times. I have to say that it is excellent. I started my dog out using the Dildei/ Barwig methods and my dog did not respond as well as I would of hoped. When I applied the parts of your program my dog immediately showed real promise and began to use the independence that he had shown in other facts of his training. I am now able to really see the little things that he needs to work on in order to get the desire product.
4 stars
January 30, 1999
Ed, I just received your video on Training the competition tracking dog. I have watched it all the way through twice now and have to compliment you on the quality of the instruction and the tape itself. Your directions and explanations are clear and understandable and when you combine that with the great footage and visual aids, it is just an excellent training tape. I have to admit I'm a Giant Schnauzer man, but after seeing some of your German Shepherds on the numerous tapes I have of yours, on your web site and in your catalog, I just have to tell you they are very impressive. Keep up the good work.
4 star rating
7 reviews (Write a review)

Training a Competition Tracking Dog

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